Axe us a question
One of the most symbolic tools to grace any fire department is the humble axe. What makes an axe a fire axe? There are several aspects that the top manufacturers consider in their designs.
The first consideration is the material the handle is made from. The handles are generally 24-36 inches in lengthy and are made from incredibly strong materials. Typically forged steel or a special alloy.
The head is one of the most famous visuals to the fire axe. Most axes are single or double bladed and sharpened to cut through walls, doors, windows, etc. The fire axe will have a spike, or adze, that is meant to pry and chop very precise material. This prying tool is used for foricble entry or emergency removal
The material construction of axes has come a long way in the last 100 years. Material engineers are constantly trying to find ways to make strong alloys while also lightweight. If you ask any backpacker every ounces lead to pounds. A typical fire fighter will have 70+ pounds of gear when they respond to an emergency.
The grip of the handle is made for extra traction, no slip, and use in extremely hot or wet environments
Most fire gear, including axes, have designs for the safety of the user in mind. They have high vis .markings to aid in locating where the firefighter may be standing and designs to make use of the axe itself as safe as possible.
Some of the best known brands of Fire Axe are Fire Hooks Unlimited, Leatherhead tools, Council Tool, Estwing, Hooligan Tool Co, and Rothco.
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