Zoll AED Powerheart G5
The Powerheart G5 is a premium AED in the already impressive Zoll Medical AED lineup. Amongst several impressive features there are a few of distinct note.
Intellisense CPR (ICPR) Technology - The G5 has advanced capabilities to give corrective prompts instructing all proficiencies how to give high quality CPR. With the IPCR the AED can give voice instructions in what to do and when.
RescueCoach - Similar to the Intellisense feature the Rescue Coach gives incremental step instructions on each life saving task to perform in the correct order.
Dual Language Functionality - This AED within the Zoll lineup is unique that it offers these features in two different languages. The two most spoken languages in the USA are English and Spanish. It only makes sense to broaden the abilities for more people to use the device. On average only about 5% of people survive from sudden cardiac arrest. When an AED is used it increases nearly 5 times the amount to 24%. Making a simpler approach to these tools saves lives and it makes sense.
Rescue Ready - Research has shown that 46% of AED performance issues come from issues related to bad batteries, faulty pads, or faulty pad connectors. The Rescue ready self testing detects these problems and prompts for resolution to avoid catastrophe.
Intellisense Defibrillation Pads - These pads are special because they are non-polarized. This means they can be placed on either side of the body instead of having to ensure the pads are more intentionally placed.
Quick Facts
- The G5 can hold a charge for 30 seconds with a 3 second automatic delivery shock
- It takes less than 10 seconds with a new battery to charge a shock
- The G5 has a pacemaker pulse sense to detect and reject defibrillation as necessary
- Customizable compression depth
- The G5 uses a monochrome backlit LCD
- The G5 can store 90 minutes and several events of data. This data includes ECG, device prompts, charge analysis and CPR graphs. The data can be uploaded through a USB flash drive or through a direct connect cable.
- The G5 is MIL-STD-810G rated for durability
- The G5 is IP55 rated to aid against damage from dust or liquid
- The battery has a 5 year shelf life from the date of manufacture before being installed in the G5. Once installed with daily self thests the battery lasts 4 years before it needs to be replaced.
- The Intelisense Electrode Pads have a 24 month shelf life and 51.5in cables.
Quick Links
- Zoll AED PowerHeart G5S-80C-S
- Powerheart G5 Battery Replacement XBTAED001A
- Replacement Adult Defibrillation Pads XELAED001C
- Zoll Wall Cabinet: Surface Mount 50-00392-10
- Zoll AED Plus 3D Wall Sign 9310-0738
- Zoll Powerheart AED Ready Kit UKIT001A
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If you've got a question that's been left unanswered or would like a quote about the best defibrillator for your use give us a call at 231-715-5705 or send us an email at sales@firegearoutfitters.com